
Imaging Core Laboratories

Source: ACR Image Metrix
Based on your specific compound, ACR Image Metrix provides you with access to subspecialty imaging expertise specific to your clinical trial. Our state-of-the-art imaging core laboratories provide you with access to the latest technologies including CT, MRI/MRS, and PET/nuclear medicine.

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Company Brochure: American College Of Radiology (ACR) Image Metrix

With ACR Image Metrix as your imaging partner you have the industry leader in trial design, imaging techniques and image data extraction and analysis. Our world-class team of physicians and scientists has proven experience employing state-of-the-art technologies to provide complete imaging core lab services that will support your goal for: more efficient clinical trials.

Based on your specific compound, ACR Image Metrix provides you with access to subspecialty imaging expertise specific to your clinical trial. Our state-of-the-art imaging core laboratories provide you with access to the latest technologies including CT, MRI/MRS, and PET/nuclear medicine. We developed standard operating process and procedures to ensure the normalization of quantitative data across vendors and platforms.

The effective integration of imaging into clinical trials relies on the ability to support the data acquisition, management, archival and analysis of the data. We established the standard in archiving electronic images and meta-data—our database has over 18 million images available to industry for secondary research and product development.

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Company Brochure: American College Of Radiology (ACR) Image Metrix